Frequency bandwidth which transfers 95% of power of the signal
If I know total power of the signal and spectrum of the signal with amplitudes in dbV, how do I compute bandwidth, which transfers 95% of the power?
View ArticlePhase Response Measurement
I have built a few analog filters (LPF, HPF, etc), after the filters, there are some amplifiers, MUX, and it goes to a ADC. For this project I am suppose to have as much of a linear system as possible....
View ArticleFreq. measurement using pin change interrupt + 4024 counter?
I have an oscillator which I need to measure using an AVR MCU running on an 8MHz Xtal. The output from the oscillator is driving the clock input of a 4024 counter. The freq. range on Q6 (input signal...
View ArticleHigh precision frequency to voltage converter
Lets say I have some 10MHz (+-0.001HZ) precision reference signal that I want to convert to quite a precise 10V Voltage reference. Unfortunately I don’t have anything like a josephson junction...
View ArticleFrequency Counting on a Raspberry PI
I am trying to count a square wave on a Raspberry PI. I tried a variety of approaches: (Freq counter 1 and 2)...
View ArticleAre old frequency counters good deals or a waste of money?
Other than knowing that you get the best results from a frequency counter by using a high quality crystal, like an oven crystal, I don’t know too much about a frequency counters. I notice that you can...
View ArticleHow to measure frequency of sine wave?
How to measure frequency of sine wave using pic microcontroller? I found the article on this website But I didn’t understand...
View ArticleCan't find CD4050 library in Proteus 8?
I am using this schematic as a frequency meter. I tried to search proteus libraries for this CMOS ‘CD4050 , [IC3 in this schematic]‘ but all I’ve found is 4050 CMOS non-inverting buffer with one input...
View ArticleHow to measure speed without any mechanical or electrical connection?
I would like to build an as-much-portable device for measuring the speed of a vehicle, to check speedometer accuracy and know the offset if one present. The idea is a cigarette pack sized box one can...
View ArticleQuestions about sound card scope software?
This is a popular software for those people who don’t have a real oscilloscope or function generator: If anyone tried it before, would you answer my questions, please?...
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